December 23 , 2006 More Christmas Cards for Jackie Wow! What wonderful cards Jackie's fans are sending in. Thanks to everyone for the lovely greetings. Click here to see all the latest Christmas cards for Jackie. You still have 2 days left to send in your greeting, so don't worry!
December 20 , 2006 Christmas Cards for Jackie There's still plenty of time to email your Christmas Cards for Jackie to the Kids Corner! Check out the beautiful cards that we've received so far by clicking here. Thanks to Petra for sending in several holiday Buddy Bears to brighten up the Kids Corner. Here they are:
Jackie's Diary Question Wow! So many people have written in to guess which movie this prop is from. We will choose a winner soon, so if you still want to guess, send your idea to the Kids Corner!
December 16 , 2006 Jackie's Funny Idea Every once in a while there is a day on a movie set when there is a lot of waiting around involved. Recently on the set of Rush Hour 3, Jackie came up with a funny idea - to take silly photos of the cast and crew. We began with Jackie and the stunt team and eventually got 74 people to make the silliest faces they could come up with for our camera. You will see some familiar and unfamiliar faces here, but one thing they all have in common is that they are very silly. Can you spot Jackie?
December 15 , 2006 Hint About Jackie's Diary Question Many people have written in guessing that the prop in the photo below came from movies that did not star Jackie Chan. Just a hint: Jackie was most certainly in the movie that used the prop he is holding! Also, please be specific when you guess which movie as some of Jackie's movies have many sequels. December 14 , 2006 Winner of Segway Coloring Contest We are happy to announce that Autumn has won the Segway cap in our Segway coloring contest. Congratulations to Autumn! Please email your address to the webmaster so we can send you your prize.
Great Prize for Jackie's Diary Question If you read Jackie's diary from November 27th, you know he mentioned sending a prize to the person who could guess what movie the following prop is from: Well, we cornered Jackie on the Rush Hour 3 set and got him to autograph a Rush Hour 3 call sheet. A call sheet lists the planned filming for the day along with the dialogue. We can't send you the entire packet (it would give away story details), but you will receive the autographed first page. Here's what it looks like:
Because you're very smart if you can guess where the prop came from, Jackie wrote "Smart!!" on the page and then signed and dated it. Here's Jackie in his trailer signing the call sheet:
If you think you know the answer, email the webmaster. If you've already sent your guess in, don't resend. We'll announce the winner in a week or so! Coming Soon: Christmas Cards for Jackie Soon we will begin posting Christmas cards for Jackie. Remember, if you want yours posted here at the website, you must scan it and mail it in. Here's the information:
As you can see, Petra has made a beautiful drawing for Christmas this year. You can color in your own Santa Jackie with Jonesie and JJ by clicking here!
November 28, 2006 Making Friends Around the World About a month ago, a really terrific project arrived at the Hong Kong office. Since Jackie was away filming Rush Hour 3, he didn't get to see it until just recently. This past weekend, Jackie was in Hong Kong for a few days (he was supposed to stay only one day, but ended up staying two), so we had a chance to show him something very special! This is a Friendship project created by 5 kids from around the world who had met on the Jackie Chan Kids Corner Forum. Click Jackie's photo below to find out what it's all about!
While we had Jackie in the office we took a moment to take a few photos of him posing with a little rabbit classroom which was sent in by some fans in Germany along with a large donation for the Build a School project:
Christmas Cards for Jackie
As you can see, Petra has made a beautiful drawing for Christmas this year. You can color in your own Santa Jackie with Jonesie and JJ by clicking here!
November 21, 2006 Lots of New Coloring from Jackie's Fans! Take a look at all the new Jackie's Coloring Book projects that have been sent in! And our Kids Corner cartoonist has been very busy making new projects for you to enjoy. Stay tuned for Petra's special Christmas coloring project - coming soon.
Show Your Support For Build a School - Color Jackie and the Students! You can color in the awesome project above or another really nice one by visiting the Coloring Pages here.
November 16, 2006 From Switzerland to China to Germany - Fans All Over the World Help to Build a School for a Dollar! As you can see, the total for our Build a School fund is up to US$10,282. Fans from all over the world are helping out - and many of them are using their own creative ideas to raise money. From a bake sale at a German school to a bike tour organized by a man in Switzerland, Jackie's fans are stepping up to the plate and getting involved. Please visit our Dragon's Heart Helpers page to see some of the wonderful fund raising going on all over the world. As you know, Jackie is on the set filming Rush Hour 3, but he is keeping a close eye on all the giving that's going on. New Drawings in Art Gallery Please check Jackie's Art Gallery to see a whole bunch of new drawings sent in by Daniel in Switzerland. Thank you Daniel!
November 14, 2006 Lucky Draw! Here's your chance to win an official Segway hat in our lucky draw. When Matt McGuire, Jackie's Segway business partner, saw Petra's drawings of Jackie riding the Segway PT, he loved them and immediately offered a hat for a lucky draw. Just color one of our Jackie Segway coloring pages and you will be automatically entered into our lucky draw. On December 1st we will choose one name and send the winner this great Segway hat: Visit Jackie's Coloring Pages to print out and color your own Jackie Segway page! Email your project to the webmaster and then on December 1st, check our Latest News for the announcement of the winner! Jackie's Coloring Book Lots of new projects at Jackie's Coloring Book. Remember, you can use colored pencil, crayons, paints, or markers to color these pages. And don't think that because you're an adult you can't color one! Many of our "Big Kids" have been sending theirs in. Click on Ling's beautiful coloring project to see all the new ones:
Pets Named After Jackie Recently we received a letter from Robyn about her little dog named Princess Pei Pei. Click here to see all our pets named after Jackie and to read about the special surprise Robyn received from Jackie Chan!
November 13, 2006 We are so lucky here at the Jackie Chan Kids Corner! Why?? Because we have our own resident cartoonist, Petra. She is full of so much talent and so many ideas. That's why we're lucky! When Jackie saw her cartoons, he laughed out loud - he really liked them. Now, you get even more goodies from Petra in Jackie's Coloring Pages.
Click here to see all the new projects from Petra!
November 6, 2006 Petra has been very busy preparing a new Coloring Page for you to color! A few months ago Jackie did an advertising campaign to help save tigers, and he wore tiger makeup for the photo shoot. Petra has designed a project that puts Jackie in a jungle wearing his cool makeup! Click below to visit Petra's Coloring Pages where you can print out a blank Jackie Tigerman to color yourself!
November 2, 2006 We have a new cartoonist here at the Jackie Chan Kids site. Her name is Petra and she is a very talented artist. (You might remember some of the magnificent Buddy Bears she has made in the past.) Although we are sorry to say goodbye to Holly, we are very excited to welcome Petra. She will be making cartoons to decorate the website and she will also be drawing the popular Jackie's coloring pages that you love so much! Here is an example of the wonderful work she does:
Petra has made several coloring pages and is very busy thinking up new projects for you to enjoy:
Everyone at the Kids Corner wants to say a big thank you to Holly for her wonderful drawings and we wish her well in the future.
Halloween Contest Prizes Prizes have been sent for the following winners: Lucie, Yuris, Isabela, Claudia, Rebecca, and Iris. Kemisha, Helen, and Athena need to email their addresses to us if they want to receive their prizes! Thanks.
November 1, 2006 Build a School for a Dollar News! The total for donations has topped US$10,000 and that's big news! Because Jackie matches each donation from fans, dollar-for-dollar, the total can leap when someone sends us money. Recently we received a very generous donation and heard a special story which we want to share with you. Click the photo below to read all about it:
When Jackie was in Hong Kong last week, he saw all of your donation drawings and letters. He was amazed and very, very happy. Here is one unique way that a family from Germany chose to make their donation:
Thank you to Iris and family in Germany for their clever and generous donation!
A Happy Halloween Winner! We just had to share this photo of Claudia from Brazil, one of the winners of our Decorate Jackie for Halloween contest. Thanks for sending this in, Claudia!
October 31 , 2006 The results are in for the Decorate Jackie for Halloween Contest. Click our little friend, below, to see all the winners. Congratulations to everyone who entered - this year's designs were even more amazing than last year's! You're making it very hard for the JC Group to pick a winner!
October 30 , 2006 Halloween In Hong Kong Although Halloween is a holiday most frequently celebrated in the US, Canada, and the UK, its popularity is spreading and we found evidence of this in Hong Kong! Below you will find some photos taken in Central, Hong Kong on October 29, 2006: CLICK THUMBNAILS TO ENLARGE
Rob-B-Hood In Hong Kong While we were wandering around Central looking for Halloween decorations, we noticed that one of the streets looked very familiar. Then we remembered that this was one of the Hong Kong locations where several scenes from Rob-B-Hood were filmed! If you're ever in Hong Kong, you can visit D'Aguilar Street and Wo On Lane to see where Jackie spent some time filming:
And here's Jackie standing on the building during the filming:
The Latest Jackie News is archived to save room on this web page. To read past news reports, just click on the month you're interested in viewing. Remember that some of the older links in these news archive may no longer be active. AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER 2005
©2004 Katharine Schroeder / Jackie Chan's Kids Corner
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