December 30, 2002 Hong Kong action star (and Shanghai Knights co-star) Donnie Yen recently talked about how thrilled he was to direct Jackie in The Twins Effect. Says Donnie, "I still can't believe I got to action direct Jackie Chan! I heard when Emperor Multimedia Group first approached Jackie about doing an appearance in the film, the first question he asked was, 'Who's the action director?,'and when they said, 'Donnie Yen,'he said, 'OK, that's good.'We got along really well. It was a great experience." Here are some photos of Jackie and Donnie from the Kung Fu Cinema web site
In other news, Jackie was recently spotted with a friend at the Metropolis Mall: Photo: Stareastnet
December 29, 2002 Something really neat for Jackie's younger fans...a "novelization" of Shanghai Knights will be published in February, 2003. The book tells the movie's story at a reading level geared for ages 9-12. Here's what the cover looks like: For those who are interested, this book can be pre-ordered at Available right now is the story of The Tuxedo. Here's what that cover looks like: This book is available at also. December 26, 2002 "Jackie Chan attended a charity bazaar in Taiwan and caused quite a stir in the audience. Because Jackie just stopped in, he wasn't really prepared for the auction. So he suddenly decided to donate his light colored jacket. From a starting bid of roughly $287US, the bidding rose and finally stopped at about $14,350US. Jackie's jacket raised the highest funds of the evening. Jackie chuckled, 'Wait a minute while I run to the washroom and strip off my pants for you to sell too.'" Thanks to the JCMB for the above translation. Here's a photo of Jackie with the jacket he donated for charity. Photo: Oriental Daily December 25, 2002 Merry Christmas! Congratulations to Kids Club member Jesse for his winning entry in the Jackie Christmas Card contest. Visitors to the Kids Club web site chose five year-old Jesse's card as their favorite. Of course all the cards were wonderful and many thanks go out to all who entered and all who voted. The cards were sent to Hong Kong in time for Jackie to see them before Christmas. Here's Jesse's winning entry:
December 22, 2002 Jackie has made another contribution to the global effort of protecting animal rights: he's added a recipe to the celebrity cookbook which has recently been published by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Here's what the book looks like: Photo: ©People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals If you would like to purchase a copy you can do so at the PETA web site In other Jackie news.....for those of you in the US who subscribe to The Travel Channel, Jackie will be hosting an informational show about Hong Kong on December 23 at 9:00 ET/PT. It is a terrific show, so catch it if you can!
December 19, 2002 Thanks to the great detective work of Kids Club info-gatherer Marie M., several new photos have been added to the Christmas in China page. Thanks Marie! December 17, 2002 Voting continues for the Christmas Cards for Jackie contest. There has been one change: Anthony's card belongs with the kids cards (not the Big Kids cards) since Anthony is only 15 years old! If you've already voted, please go back and reconsider Anthony's card now that it's where it really belongs. If you'd like to know why Anthony's card was included with the big kids cards, all you have to do is look at his beautiful web site. Who would have thought that a 15 year-old would have created such a professionally done site?! Sorry for the mistake, Anthony!
December 17, 2002 Heads up everyone! A new card has been added to the Jackie Christmas cards Kids page AND the Official Jackie Chan Fan Club for Kids has added its card in with the Big Kids Cards section. Remember to vote for your favorite card in the Kids section. The votes are coming in fast and furious so if you want your voice to be heard, vote now!!! December 16, 2002 Wow! There are a few new Christmas cards for here to see the latest additions. The voting will begin today...if any late cards come in they will be added to the display and people can certainly vote for them. They will not, however, be shipped to Hong Kong with the other cards. Sorry...that deadline has passed. The contest and the voting will remain open until Christmas. Remember, only cards in the kids section are eligible to win the contest! Only four more days to enter the "Share Your Thoughts With Jackie" contest being run by Jackie's official web site. Click here for info. Santa rushes to get his entry in for Jackie's contest (Photo: ©Rudolph R.N. Reindeer) Don't can click here to read a little bit about Christmas in China. December 14, 2002 Click here to see a few new photos of Jackie from his visit to the John Curtin School of Medical Research. They've been added to the photos that were posted on December 13. Feel free to send in your holiday card for Jackie....all new entries will be added as they are received. Voting on the Kids' entries will begin very soon! December 13, 2002 Thanks to great detective work by Kids Club informant Marie M., a few new photos have been added to the Christmas in China page. Thanks Marie! Click here to read a little bit about Christmas in China. Don't forget to look at the Christmas cards for Jackie. Voting will begin very soon. Click here to see more photos of Jackie in Australia (story below). Photos ©ANU Online Recently when Jackie was in New York City promoting The Tuxedo, some lucky kids had a chance to interview him. Below is the photo from the Newsday (a Long Island, New York newspaper) article. December 12, 2002 Jackie has done it again....donated LOTS of money to charity, that is. This time he's given The Australian National University's John Curtin School of Medical Research $145,000 to buy a special machine that will help doctors save people's lives. Jackie has spent his life donating his time and money to people less fortunate. He dedicated this gift to his mother Lee Lee Chan who died last year. Photo: The Herald Sun Recently the Kids Club has received many letters asking whether Chinese people (and Jackie) celebrate Christmas. To read a little bit about this subject, click here. Don't forget to look at the wonderful cards that Jackie's fans have made for him. Click here to see them all. The contest is closed for new entries, but if you want to send a Christmas card for Jackie through email, do so! It will be added to the Christmas Card pages. This goes for adults AND kids. The more cards, the merrier!
December 11, 2002 Christmas Card Contest entries are ready to view! Click here to see some wonderful cards made by kids of all ages! Also....a BIG BIG apology to Kids Club member Landi. He emailed one of his terrific drawings to the webmaster and it was lost for quite a while. But as luck would have it, the drawing found its way to the Jackie Chan Gallery where you can view it by clicking here. Sorry sorry sorry to Landi!
December 4, 2002 According to Hong Kong media, Jackie has suffered an injury during filming of The Twin Effects. The accident happened while filming a scene with a moving ambulance. Fortunately it doesn't appear to be serious: Jackie showing off his latest injury. Some more shots from the movie: Photos: Oriental Daily
December 3, 2002 Just two months left until the premiere of Shanghai Knights! For those of you who haven't heard, there is a Shanghai Knights trailer up at the official SK web site. You can also read Jackie's set diary and play a game there. Click here to get to the Shanghai Knights official site. Don't forget to enter the Share Your Thoughts With Jackie competition. Winners will have their thoughts carved into the floor of Jackie's new offices in Hong Kong. Christmas cards for Jackie are starting to come in....but very s l o w l y. Everyone's pretty busy this time of year, but perhaps you can grab a few minutes to design a card for Jackie. If you're not good with the computer, you can take an old Christmas card from last year and recycle it....after a few alterations, that is. Jackie would certainly encourage recycling, right? Be creative! And don't have plenty of time. Cards can be sent to the Kids Club up until December 11th. December 1, 2002 Hey kids (and adults), there's still plenty of time to make a Christmas card for Jackie. Don't can either send a card in the regular mail or you can scan it and send it through email. There's a great prize waiting to be get busy! All cards will be packed up and sent to Jackie in time for Christmas. The fronts of all cards will be posted on the Kids Club web site throughout the holiday season. Click here for all the info. Not much news right now. Jackie is still busy filming his scenes for the Twins movie. Next up for Jackie will be Around the World in Eighty Days.
This is THE coolest news of the year for the Kids Club!!! As most of you know, Jackie has been keeping a diary for his fans while shooting Shanghai Knights. In the July 3rd diary entry, Jackie talks at length about the Kids Club and mentions each of the last 7 "Jackie's Kids" by NAME! As most Kids Club members know, Jackie has taken a keen interest in the newest Jackie Fan Club and he reads all of the newsletters. It is very exciting to read Jackie's comments about the club and its members! In the July 8th entry, Jackie mentions the Kids Club again, encouraging his young fans to join. Click the highlighted links (above) or read the diary entries at Jackie's Official Web Site. (From the August 12, 2002 News Report) CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO THE TOP
The Latest Jackie News is now being archived to save room on this web page. To read past news reports, just click on the month you're interested in viewing.
©2002 Katharine Schroeder/The Official Jackie Chan Fan Club for Kids |