by Silke and Ute
Flat Jackie’s report about Ute’s visit at Silke‘s
On December 8th I travelled together with Ute by train to her friend Silke. They became friends on a German Jackie-Chan- Mailinglist in January 2005. Although they live almost 400 km apart from each other in Germany, they often meet each other. This time they wanted to celebrate Silke’s birthday together and Silke also wanted to show Ute the local Christmas market. They asked me if I would like to accompany them and so did I.
At first we visited the Christmas market and then we walked across downtown Leipzig.
Here we are at the Christmas Market. Hey, I am almost as tall as the Christmas Tree – ha ha!

I always like to try something new… here I try to jump on to a pole at the old Town Hall

Later we came to a stand, where Silke and Ute wanted to drink a cup of hot wine. I couldn’t hold back myself and came out of the case because I also wanted to try a sip of it.

Oups, this made my knees weak…..

On our further way across the city we met a nice guy with a barrel organ. I was very curious for it and so we asked the man, if we could take a photo for you to proof.

Then we visited a big shopping center, which was nicely decorated for Christmas.

I look like covered all over with glitter, don’t I?
Soon it was time to leave the Christmas Market, because in the afternoon Silke would have some guest for celebrating.

It was a nice party and I did enjoy it to watch the whole scenery. After the last guest went home, I managed it to jump into her biggest flower bouquet.

On the next day I made myself ready for the trip to the next fan.

Bye-bye. My next report will follow soon.
Flat Jackie, Ute and Silke

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