by Robyn
Flat Jackie stopped by my flat in Dallas, Texas with a brilliant idea of visiting as many fans as he could before heading to Hong Kong next Spring. He has heard rumors that we've been writing on the forum what we would do if we met Jackie & how we would spend a day with him. He liked the idea so much he decided to travel to many lands to meet as many fans as possible & have everyone make a report for Jackie Chan in Hong Kong!
I was very sad to see him go from my home, but I know his adventure is just starting, so I will now show you Flat Jackie's visit with me!
Here he is arriving at my apartment building
At my front door!
A quick peek at my patio
He likes my Asian themed apartment
He loved my Chinese style bathroom & laughed at the funny shower photos of Jackie!
He watched me paint some Asian Art (He was very impressed)!!
He played with Pei Pei (he really loved her, he said she was a "very sweet dog")
He thought seeing his name on my wall was funny, look at him laugh (the photo is dark, look carefully at the background)
Then he was ready to drive my car to work (yes, it is a very old Buick LaSabre)!!
We arrive at the medical building where I work. Up those stairs is my office!
He sees the red van I was driving & inspects the damaged mirror (he said it is OK to drive it as we placed a temporary conclave mirror there). Thank goodness I do not need to drive it for now as we are traveling locally!
Flat Jackie shows you the sign on our mobile clinic
Playing with the windshield wipers of the mobile clinic!
He wanted to drive for us! This gave Walter a break!!
He learns about the human eye
He looks at our many brochures about health issues of the human eye
A dream come true for me! I look into Flat Jackie's eyes to make sure I see no cataracts, pterigiums, penquiculums, floaters, or scars!
He fills out his own screening results form (his handwriting is much better than Walter's -shhh! Don't tell)!!
We saw these beautiful pumpkins for sale at the screening location! (We did the eye screening in front of a WalMart)
Time for a healthy lunch with Robyn!!
The museum tour guide was so happy to see Flat Jackie she let him see the museum for FREE!!
Museum Hours
This is a very special 130 year old tree that someone very famous played on as a young boy!!Naturally, Flat Jackie had to play on it also!!! (The famous person was Dwight David Eisenhauer - do you know who that is??)
On the way back to the office, Flat Jackie & I discussed the Environment. I told him I think it should be just part of everyday life in all cities & small towns/villages that plastic, paper, & glass should be recycled instead of only the larger cities having this luxury. Recycling centers & plants could bring jobs even to small communities & help save the planet. I also told him that renovating homes is very popular in America & I found out the old cabinets, granite counter tops, light fixtures, & other items get thrown away!! They are perfectly good, except the homeowner does not like the style. There should be a company that recycles these things so they can be used again somewhere else! They could be used inside housing for the poor!!! Flat Jackie liked my ideas. Perhaps someday something can be done about such waste!
I gave him a big hug & a tender kiss on the cheek & sent him on his way.
Then we will see where Flat Jackie goes next. I was so sad to see him go, but happy that his adventures around the world were finally getting started.

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