On a chilly fall day in Northern Michigan I received a welcomed surprise. Waving from the mail box was FLAT JACKIE ! Having come from the west coast I think he was as surprised as I was at the chill in the air. I asked Jackie to read the only required sign before entering our home. And knowing what a neat and tidy person Jackie is I wanted him warned.......he throught it was rather funny. Once we entered it was time to go to work. Jackie was happy to help. First we had to care for the 2 litters of puppies. First we cared for Chon Wang and Pricess Pei Pei's babies and Jackie liked them very much. Then the little Cavaliers wanted to nibble him so that job was quickly done and it was on to the birds. Our Parrots liked Jackie especailly Grey Dog who gave Flat Jackie his first injury. But as usual Jackie just shrugged it off. We then proceeded to feed the other 188 birds in the house and Jackie was honored that the music from The Myth was played every day to relax our breeding birds and the room is full of movie posters and movie props. I pointed out my favorites both from Shanghi Knights, one is a billy club used by the English Bobbies in the revolving Door scene, it even has a very deep finger nail print in it, I just know it was from the genuine Jackie Chan. The other is the knife Bradly used to cut the tarp in the market scene. I now had to dash off to see my grand kids Tyler " the dime" Blackall and his sister Khalie. They both adore Jackie and think he is such a good teacher. Tyler posed with Jackie and then we left with Khalie to run some errands. First we went to the Feed and Grain store where Jackie helped Khalie pick out a wonderful new hummingbird feeder for the yard and he also charmed an old calico cat who lived there at the store. Finally it was time to eat and Khalie offered to share her lunch with Jackie........but not the pickles. Following our lunch it was time to show Jackie the one big claim to fame that Charlavoix Michigan has...yes the worlds biggest cherry pie was made in this very pan....Khalie thought it was very funny all we had to show history wise was a big piepan. No castles or famous landmarks just a big pie pan, maybe she is right it is kind of funny. When we arrived home there was time for a quick nap and then more work around the house. My darling husband came home and decieded it was time for Jackie to learn a little about living in the country and they paired up to do some woodcutting. I did not think Jackie was quite up to it and he did a stunt on the icebox to display just how good shape he was in. So the boys went out in the new falling snow to cut firewood. The boys did a great job Jackie even tried to use the wood saw but it was too heavy for him to lift. He was quite proud of the stack of wood they cut. I think he was a little proud to know his work would be keeping us warm in the coming winter. After the work was finished Khalie and Jackie got bundled up and went out to make a snow man. They posed for my favorite picture of all. Finally it was time to let Jackie go on to more fans and with a kiss goodbye Jackie was tucked into an envelope and off to Germany. I still do miss him and must say even if he was just made of paper every one who saw him really enjoyed his company. I appreacite our Robyn Steed who made this project such a sucess. Warm Wishes from Northern Michigan, USA Debi Younce
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