Hello, my dearest Jackie!
I was so much glad to see you in Russia and in my home even in your "flat" shape! I was really happy to show you my city, and I hope that someday you will come to me real!
I also hope that your paper twin felt himself good during this visit with me. I really tried to make him comfortable! And now I want to show you our adventures together!
First of all, when Flat Jackie came to my home, I showed him two corners in my room, where are so many Jackie's photos on walls. My favorites photos of him that I printed for looking at, photos of him and me from the meeting in 2006 in Hong Kong, posters and even his portraits, painted by myself.
I want to tell you that Flat Jackie was just impressed! He didn’t expect that I was so great and sincere admirer of Jackie Chan.

Then I met him with my lovely and beloved cat Marta. She was very curious of new and strange guest, but behaved herself friendly:

Poor Flat Jackie was so tired of tripping in the narrow envelope!!! For consoling him I decided to bake especially for him some sweet biscuits. And of course (just like real Jackie!) he wanted to help me! Okay, I was glad to have such good helper. Firstly we made pastry:

Then made little biscuits together, Flat Jackie was very assiduous!

“Dearest Jackie, do you want some more?”
“Oh, thanks, with pleasure!”

After tea and biscuits Flat Jackie saw my brushes and oil colors for painting. He was very curious!

He wanted to paint something very much, so we painted a little bit the view of the gulf Tolo together:

After painting we sat to watch the film “Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow” (one of my favorite!) and went to sleep, because we needed some rest before walking along Saint-Petersburg next day.
In the next morning we looked through the window and saw that the day was windy and gloomy. Unfortunately such weather is typical for my city, we can see the sun and clear blue sky only seldom. Well, anyway, we decided to go for a walk. But Flat Jackie said that he could be cold because of the wind. I found for him a woolen coat of my old doll Katya:

There were woolen trousers yet, but Flat Jackie said he was okay.
Since I love painting and history, the first place where we went to, was the famous Russian Art Academy, I plan to study there in the next year:

Right against the Academy there is the statue of Egypt Sphinx.

Under this statue there is one of famous city’s object of note – the big cat from bronze. If you want your desire comes true, you need to take it by its fang and to say your wish right into its ear. People believe it works! See, how shining its head is from touching of people’s hands?

Then we walked along the river-front (our main river calls Neva) and looked at the opposite bank. At the St. Isaac’s Cathedral:

At the Hermitage, one of the most famous museums in the world (like Louver or Dresden’s Art Gallery):

Then we crossed the Palace’s Bridge and went to the Statue of Peter I, the most famous Russian King in the history of Russia.
This statue was made by French sculptor Moris Falconet from bronze in1782. It was very hard work, because the horse has point of rest only on its back legs. This bronze colossus is located on the giant granite rock in form of the sea wave. Its weight is 1600 tons! It was transported from Gulf of Finland to Saint-Petersburg during the whole year. The form of the sea wave – it is because exactly Peter I opened the way to sea for Russia. I like this statue very much:

This is the obelisk of St. Angel on the Palace's Square:

When we were near the Hermitage, Flat Jackie liked the Palace’s Square and the Triumphal Arch:

Wow, it was so much cold that day!!! We felt ourselves freezy!
So we went to the Russian traditional cafe "Teremok" to eat some
hot and delicios. Flat Jackie was very glad to be there!

We ate Russian pancakes with sour cream in café and drank hot aroma tea.

Then our journey continued. After hot meal Flat Jackie was cheerful and curious all around the streets. We looked at the Kazansky Cathedral

At the Big House of Books:

The last place to look at in the centre was the famous temple “Savior on Spilled Blood”. It is very beautiful!

Well, everything in this world has the end. It was time to go home. Next morning Flat Jackie lied in the envelope and went to Germany.
I was crying, but hoped that my sweet paper friend was good and comfortable in my home and Saint-Petersburg. He took my card for
real Jackie and promised to tell him about me!
Bye-bye, dear Flat Jackie!
St. Petersburg, Russia