Monday, 31st December 2007
Dear Mr. Chan,
We are very happy that we can send you 600 Euros (US $878) for your Build a School for a Dollar project.
It was raised in three different ways: By our second Day of Calligraphy, by selling hand painted stones and by selling things we didn’t need anymore, at eBay.
We held our second Day of Calligraphy on 1st December. This time all children participated who couldn’t take part on the first time. As less of the children learnt Chinese, there were more questions concerning the characters. Everyone had to pay 10 Euros (about US $15) for your foundation and the teachers weren’t paid for their work - and so we raised 260 Euros (about US $380)!
We’d like to share a few photos with you of the event: |

Soh Lan and Ingrid, our teachers, begin the lesson at 10 a.m.

The children are stunned about how to make Chinese ink. |

Soh Lan shows how to write properly. |

Everyone has to learn the basic strokes first. |

"Eternity" is the first character we learn to write. |

"Eternity" contains all the basic elements. |

This is a teacher from primary school. She learns calligraphy to teach her pupils Chinese culture. |

Eating Chinese food during the one hour break with chopsticks. |

Soh Lan, our Chinese teacher from Malaysia, and her British husband Chris, whom we thank very much for their help. |

During break, these children were highly interested in our self-made decoration. |

Anouk plays her Chinese bamboo flute. |

The afternoon lesson started at 1 p.m. |

During the afternoon lessons, your songs were played in the background. |

Here everyone could read about Dragon's Heart. |

Inspired by the film "Hero" we're trying to write Chinese characters into the sand. |
Our endless stone story goes on and on: On several occasions we sold our marble stones with hand painted Chinese calligraphy and raised 300 Euros (US $440). Since the middle of September 2007 we sold about 550 of our stones! The first bag of stones which we bought in the building center is now empty - and it weighed 25 kilo! |

Giddy, Felix, Anouk and a new bag of 25
kilos of stones!
 At Children’s University: Everyone wants to have a stone at the same moment… |

Information day for parents, schools and teachers about gifted children. |
Our good friend Gabi sold several old things from us at EBay. As neither she nor we wanted to keep the proceeds (40 Euros/ US $58) we agreed to donate the money to your foundation. There are a lot of different ways to raise money for charity if you use your possibilities!
When we summed up all the donations we made during this year, we realized that it was 1330 € or about US $2000. Wow! And it all began with 60 Euros (US $88) in December 2006. We had never thought that we could raise so much money just by creative ideas. At first we donated privately, but then our friends suggested to do it together with our association (a non-profit self-help group of parents with highly gifted children). And with the help of hundreds of children we could indeed donate much more money. But that’s not the end of it! We won’t stop donating to Dragon’s Heart but use all our possibilities to raise more money. The next Day of Calligraphy is already planned …

That’s exactly 597,15 Euros (US $874)! All the banknotes on the left side were raised by the Day of Calligraphy. All coins in the middle and the banknotes on the right side were raised by selling the hand painted stones and the 40 Euros (US $58) in the middle were raised by eBay auctions.
As you can see on the photos, the children had a lot of fun during the Day of Calligraphy and with the hand painted stones. Knowing that with the money raised, we can also make the children in China happier, is more worth than any salary for our work.
Lots of greetings,
Anouk & Ingrid Ehreiser,
on behalf of ‘Initiative zur Foerderung hochbegabter Kinder e. V.’
here and
Or send your donation to:
Build-a-School Project
c/o The JC Group
145 Waterloo Road
Kowloon Tong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Attn: Kath