On our Dragon's Heart Helpers pages, you can read wonderful stories about caring fans who have done special projects to benefit Jackie's Build a School for a Dollar project. Jackie loves to see what everyone is doing to help and he hopes that when you read these stories, you will be inspired to think of a way to help also.
But what about all the people who either don't have time to host an event or who aren't able to? What about all the people who donate using a credit card, or send money anonymously to our office? Well, those donations are just as important to us as the ones that you read about here on our website. We wanted to tell you about these people also.
Nearly every day we receive a donation here at our office in Hong Kong. Sometimes it is simply a tattered one yuan note folded and placed in an envelope. Sometimes people write letters, sometimes they make drawings. Many times they say nothing; just put the money in an envelope and send it. We get donations from all over the world, from people of all ages. Here are a few stories:
- A 9 year old girl sent her allowance money, tucked inside a red envelope.
- Several people have asked their friends and family to give them cash instead of birthday gifts and have sent the money to us.
- A young woman was asked by a neighbor to help fix a computer. She did not expect to be paid, but when the neighbor insisted on giving her some money, the woman sent the money to Jackie for the Build a School project.
- Someone sent a donation with a simple note saying "Jackie, what you are doing is very inspirational. I wish you all the success with this and future endeavors."
- A young woman hosted a Halloween party to raise money for the project and sent us a large donation.
- Many people donate online using a credit card. We get donations as small as one dollar and in November, 2007 we received several large donations - over US$ 100 each. There is a group of fans who faithfully donate each and every month.
These are just a few examples of the generosity of Jackie's fans. He appreciates each and every donation and he is kept up to date on all the Build a School news. Everyone loves to read the stories about the creative ways that fans are helping, but we want to make sure to acknowledge all the people who are making an effort. Thank you.