This is a story about two very special kids and their teachers. George Guerrero and his friend Karina Chynces are both ten years old. They go to the same school and study the same subjects. So what's so special about them? They are both students at Master Mel Steiner and Jose Escalente's Chi Tae Kwon Do School in Miami, Florida! Back in 1995 the school started a program to teach children with disabilities Tae Kwon Do and also how to teach the class themselves with the help of Master Steiner and Jose Escalante. George and Karina are students in that program.

George recently tested for his blue belt and LOVES teaching the other students (with the help of Instructor Jose Escalante). His inspiration to learn Martial Arts came from watching Jackie Chan Adventures. Now two years later he does kicks and cartwheels incredibly well and insists on being called Jackie "George" Chan when he is learning patterns or sparring.

His friend Karina is also very enthusiastic and wants to be a movie star when she grows up. She recently tested for her Green Belt, and as Jackie always says, "Work hard and never give up. Your dream will come true!"

Master Steiner and Instructor Jose Escalante have been working to get Tae Kwon Do into the Special Olympics as the 25th Medal event. Perhaps with students like George and Karina leading the way that goal will be achieved!

George and Karina in class.
George "Jackie Chan" Guerrero and Karina Chynces.
Mr. Aaron Fruitstone VI gives George his green belt certificate
Master Steiner assists George while he breaks a board

Students at the Academia Kayam Taekwon-Do in Venezuela practice outside

Instructor Jose M. Escalante, George, and Master Steiner
Master Steiner with Diego Escalante, another big Jackie Chan fan. Diego, a black belt, helps teach the other students in the class




©2004 Katharine Schroeder /Jackie Chan Kids Corner

Article © 2004 Holly Hecht

Photographs © 2004 Jose Escalante

The Jackie Chan Kids Corner is part of The Official Jackie Chan Website run by the JC Group in Hong Kong

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