In February, 2007 the Kids Corner ran a contest for Chinese New Year. Participants designed a Happy New Year card for Jackie, and recently two of the winners sent us a note with a photo of themselves and their prizes. (We'd love to see a photo of our third place winner also!)

One cloudy February Sunday morning my two German friends Silke and Iris called me and asked me to switch my computer on. I did it immediately and when I saw Jackie's Note on his official site and my Piggy picture in the first place, the globe stopped to rotate for me and it took a while until I was on land again! It was unbelievable; one of the best and most popular megastars in the whole world chose my painting! And it was not all, Jackie wrote also his comment there, he decided to reward us three winners with a great financial prize – I am happy that the amount of money was devoted to the famous Build a School project.

Today I received another precious gift:  a beautiful pink t-shirt and a certificate with my name autographed by Jackie! You can see also the red envelope and a lovely letter. The certificate was created in Hong Kong office, then it was sent to Los Angeles, Jackie signed it and then the certificate traveled back to Hong Kong.
All these gifts I will add to my most treasured things I received from Jackie over the years.

I would like to thank you, beloved Jackie, from the bottom of my heart,  also a big thank to the designers of JC Group for their great work and to dearest Kath for writing the nice letter and sending me all the wonderful gifts.

I return in my mind often to the evening when I saw Jackie in Rush Hour for the first time in my life. At that moment I became one of his biggest and truest fans. I will always admire and support him.
Thank you once again – ĎAKUJEM!

With much love,
Slovak Republic


Dear Kath and Jackie,

Thank you very much for my beautiful certificate, the red envelope, and the lovely pink JC Stunt Team T-shirt you sent to me. Thanks also for the donation to the Build a School for a Dollar. That is a wonderful prize. I donate to several charities here in the U.S. and I appreciate that I was the cause of Jackie making a special donation to the Build a School Project.

I was very surprised to find that my pig card had been chosen as Jackie's second choice of three winners. Then, when I got my wonderful prize, I was once again surprised. It was very kind of you two to go to the trouble to create and send the certificate and other things.

Thank you, Kath, for all the work you do on the JC site and the Kids Corner. They are really the best celebrity sites of any I have seen.

Thank you, Jackie, for making movies I enjoy and for doing good works to help other people.

Love and peace,


Note: Originally the New Year Contest winners were to receive a calendar as a prize (5 out of the 50 we sent out were autographed by Jackie). However, when Jackie saw all the cards he was very touched and wanted to do more, so he chose his top three favorites and came up with the idea for sending some unique prizes. He initially wanted to send the winners some money in one of his personal Chinese New Year red envelopes, but changed his mind and instead donated that money to the Build a School for a Dollar project. He asked us to design certificates - which we did - and we emailed them to him in Los Angeles. His assistant printed them out and then Jackie signed them and sent them back to us by Federal Express. He then asked us to send a t-shirt and one of his "Jackie" red envelopes and to the winners.

So you see, the special prizes for these winners were all Jackie's idea!




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