My dearest Jackie!
Your Birthday is a celebration for all your fans! We all try to make this day special. And I want to show you how we celebrated your birthday with my friend Lena. Of course we drank wine for your good health and then we ate a birthday cake with candles and wished you good luck, very much truly love, many faithful friends, long and beautiful life, many successful films, powerful help of your fans in your noble charity work! And, of course, strong health to all your family!
Then we sang your songs to the accompaniment of piano and guitar! It is a big, big pity that you didn’t hear it!
We had very fun time and hoped that you had fun too! We tried so much to suggest you our great mood, although Hong Kong is so far from Russia. But if I can to call to Hong Kong with my mobile phone, why I cannot to pass my thoughts through the air? Anyway, I want you will be always happy and healthy!
With greatest Love,
Your Tatiana (aka Asha)
A few more photos:

Asha plays Happy Birthday to Jackie on her piano.
Lean accompanies on the guitar.

Asha also wanted to share her "Jackie Chan Corner" with us.
Asha shows us the calendar she won in the New Year's contest.
With her toy tiger, Jackie Chan.
Asha made a painting of Jackie the Tiger. She is a
very talented painter.
Thank you to Asha for sharing all of these wonderful things with the Kids Corner!
We always love hearing from Jackie's fans and if you send us your story and some photos, we will post them here at the Sharing Corner.