Hello Kids Corner,
My name is Taras. First of all, I want to say thank
you to the JackieChan.com webmaster(s) for providing
interesting stories and information about Jackie Chan
and the people around him.
I have visited the kids corner...and saw the pets
named after Jackie.
On December 2, 2006 my girlfriend and I
bought a little puppy (pictures attached), who was 8
weeks old. We went through 3 names, and on the fourth
I proposed JACKIE...and luckily, she accepted it. I
don't know if she knows that it was after Mr. Chan...I
guess she does, since I am his fan. I asked her if
she really wants to go with Jackie, because I hope
it's not a favor to me. And she said, "Jackie is
perfect because the puppy is so cute..." In my mind,
of course, Jackie was in honor of Mr. Chan.
The puppy is of a Chinese breed "Shi Tzu" (small lion
in Chinese). No wonder why naming the puppy after
Jackie also had this relevance.
Anyways, just wanted to share this little story.
Thank You.
Puppy "Jackie"
Breed: Shi-Tzu Age: 11 weeks right now
Color: White/Brown and beautiful eyes
Owners: Tamara and Taras

Tamara and Jackie