Last year's Happy Chinese New Year Contest was a lot of fun and Jackie wants to do it again this year. Jackie loved the Year of the Pig entries so much last year that he decided to choose three winners and he made a donation to the Build a School project in their names. This year for the Year of the Rat, we will award three grand prizes for Jackie's three favorites (yes, Jackie will choose his favorites again). Here are the three prizes:
Three people will each win one of Jackie's shirts. These are the actual shirts that Jackie wore during the September 2007 Dragon's Heart trip and Jackie has already autographed each of them. Last year we gave calendars to the first 50 people who entered the contest. This year we looked around our office for some prizes and found a whole box of great promotional items from Rob-B-Hood. We have colorful t-shirts and unique baby bottles - all great items for your collection. The first 55 fans to enter the contest will win a t-shirt or bottle (our choice of prize and/or size). It's as easy as that! Here's what we found for giveaways:
This year Jackie would like you to draw or paint a picture for him to help celebrate the Year of the Rat. We will post your original drawings here at the Kids Corner and Jackie will choose the winners. To enter, scan and email your drawing to the webmaster. Please use the following guidelines:
Year_Rat_yourname_yourcountry.jpg (for example: Year_Rat_Jackie_China.jpg) and write New Year Contest as the subject line.
Your Full Name There is no age restriction; everyone is welcome to send a drawing. Only original drawings, paintings, or computer generated artwork created specifically for this contest will be eligible to win a prize.
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