
(From Ayume)

(From Ali Wow)
"Three years old!! I hope you and Jackie are doing well and in good health!! I would be honored to meet you all one day! Happy Birthday from Jacob Webb, in Arizona, USA!"
"Dear friend La&Zy. We are not meet but I know one thing ,
You are very very Lucky is this moment. Somuch people likes you.because I wish you very very Happy birthday to you ! ! !
Enjoy your birthday with Jackie .
I love you...we want calibrate your birthday together ..!"
(From Aneesh Kumar)
"Dear La and Zy,
Happy birthday, Wishing you all the best in the year to come.
May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors.
And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come
Suraj Bikram Shah
Ghorahi, Dang, Nepal"
"Have a nice birthday! ! Much love your fan sarah van der blonk The Netherlands!

"Happy birthday La & Zy, i made this small collage for you guys, keep it cool like this fella!
Greetings! xoxoxo"
(From Yannick Val Gesto)

(From Ali hh)

(From Virga 252)

(From Soheyla)

(From Lam Toan Ly)

(From George, Italy)

"To La and Zy
Have a 'panda'stic Birthday
sending lots of love and hugs from Scotland
xxxxx Carol xxxxx"

(From Fati Meh)

"Wish you an outstanding and fabulous birthday La and Zy !!"
(From Prabha G)

(From Vinay Ishnava)

"Happy Birthday! Have a very nice day :-)"
(From Susanne Forsberg)

"Happy 3rd birthday La And Zy . they are so cute with Jackie i am big fan of
Jackie thats all i have to say. i feel so much but its hard to convert them in
words :) i want take picture with la and zy wish i could roam with them around
the world . good bye and have a great birthday party with Jackie. Thank you
.world peace ! "
(From Deepak Singh Shishodia)

(From Manish Singh)

"Joyeux anniversaire, avec tout les rêves possible, Pour moi le rêve plus grand est de rencontrée Maitre Jackie Chan ou avoir, si possible une photo de Jackie Chan avec un autographe . Bonne continuation, vous serait toujours dans mon coeur. Avec respect et sincérité Amelia"
(From Amelia Torregrossa)
"Happy birthday La & Zy! Never get old! "
(From Pepsi Choi)
"Happy Birthday LA & Zy chan :D. you both are cute!"
(From James Warren)
"Wishing you both a very Happy Birthday. Hope you have great day. Love Sylvia Sully xxxx :-)"
"Happy birthday La & Zy have a awesome day love from your Aussie fan Allison Morrison "

(From Sujith P, India)

(From Payam Shakari)
"Happy 3rd Birthday, La and Zy! Enjoy, be blessed and may you both have many,
many more!"
(From Mrs. McCloud)
"Happy Birthday to the two young ones. May food & drink be plentiful 4 u & the clan that takes care of all the creature of our planet , so hope there'll be more next year than the last "
(From Alfred Craven)
"Happy birthday you super cute panda bears..keep daddy safe now you hear :)
kissie kissie kissie xxx "
(From Suerita)

(From Rossi M)
"I just wanted to wish a happy birthday! Have an awesome day!
eat tons of cake and have fun! Happy 3rd birthday you two!
(From Ben Irving)
"Aloha hAppy birthday ....feliz cumpleanos"
(From Rolando Charles)
"Happy Birthday La & Zy! I hope you have a wonderful day!"
(From Kimmie Wagner)

"Happy Birthday La and Zy!!!"
(From Anabel Sanchez Ruz)
"Happy birthday"
(From Yinka)

"I want to wish you happiness for your birthday and every day. Happy Birthday."
(From Petr Vlasak)

(From Liezel Liang)

(From Hannah Chu)
"Happy B'day to La n Zy"
(From Naveen Dagar)
"happy birthday La and Zy!! :)
Do the best :D"
(From Jamanat Ziantury)

"Happy Birthday!"
(From Peter Parker)
"Happy birthday La and Zy....:)"
(From Tony PaDung)
(From Patricia Vandygriff)
"I wish you both a very happy birthday... you both are lucky enough to be with our jackie.. love you both... HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYY :)"
(From Ravi Durga)
"I wish u all the best and healthy.... "
(From Ma Pheara)
"Happy birthday LA & ZY have a great day, all my love from Cheryl xx"
(From Cheryl Drabble)
"I HOPE your b-day wishes come true
best wishes for the little 3 yr old ...
(From Patricia Vandygriff)

(From Lukas Freiburger)
"Happy 3rd birthday La & Zy!
Hope your having a frisky panda bday! Live it up!"
Meghan Weinstein)
"A very happy 3rd Birthday wish you both good health"
(From Michael Woolf)
"☺⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡♈̷̴✽ håþþÿ ßi®thðªÿ ✽♈̷̴┈̥-̶̯͡
to LA& ZY..all the best for the people and Jackie..God bless you all"
From Feni Christian)

"Happy Birthday"
(From Abdul Rehman)
"Hi. Lazy i wish you Happy BirthDay ! 生日快樂 !
i wish you Have a NICE Weekands !
and i wish to you have a TRILLIONS PANDAS !"
(From Oleg Apostol)
"Wish you many many happy returns of the day !!"
(From Hamid Saifi) - 13/7/2013
"Happy Birthday!!!!!!"
(From David Horn) - 13/7/2013
"( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )happy birthday"
(From Jiangyi Chen) - 13/7/2013
"Happy birthday La and Zy I wish you all the best for this year . Have a nice day! "

(From Yasmine Benmenhredj)
- 13/07/2013
(From K) - 13/07/2013

(From Kanishka Baghban) - 13/07/2013
"Hey La and Zy <3
Love you both, I hope you and Master are fine, wish you a happy
happy birthday and don't forget us in your birthday wish :).
Please wish that someday me and my nephews get able to meet Master Jackie.
With Love "Kanishka""
"Happy birthday La and Zy"
(From Tuba Parmaksiz) - 13.07.2013

(From Janis Kregers, Latvia) - 13/7/2013
(萧萧暮雨后 - China )" - 13/7/2013
"happy birthday La and Zy!! :) hope we sometime meet Jackie <3 love your movies,
music and just all of you :* (Riku Luukkonen of Finland)" - 12/7/2013